Kickr Studio Classes

Wahoo Kickr Studio Classes @ M3 Bike

Our experienced certified Coaches will guide you through a 90 minute structured workout on your bike in a group setting. The M3 Studio utilizes the Wahoo Kickr Studio software to create a road like feel.  These classes are open to everyone from Beginners to Pros, committed cyclist to weekend riders.  Our software and smart trainers allow everyone to pedal side by side with all workouts based on individual FTP.

Oct/Nov/Dec – Strength & Technique

Jan/Feb/Mar – Power & Speed

Coaches insure participants understand the numbers (Watts, HR Zones and RPMs)

Registration is available at

Daily Drop-In will be available as space is available for $35 per class.

$20 Discount applied when signing up for multiple classes. 

Equipment Required:

Bike, Heart Rate Monitor, Cadence Sensor, H2O Bottles, Hand Towel, Bath Towel (Showers Available)

Bring your own Ant+ Heart Rate Strap and Cadence Sensor or purchase with registration.